Registered Voters
If November's election for Congress were held today, would you support your current congressperson who represents your district in Washington D.C. or would you vote for someone else?
Support current congressperson Vote for someone else Unsure
Row % Row % Row %
Registered Voters 41% 45% 14%
Party ID Democrat 54% 31% 15%
Republican 37% 50% 13%
Independent 33% 53% 15%
Party ID by Gender Democrat men 56% 28% 16%
Democrat women 53% 34% 13%
Republican men 29% 63% 8%
Republican women 44% 39% 17%
Independent men 32% 57% 11%
Independent women 34% 47% 19%
Political Ideology Liberal 47% 39% 14%
Moderate 42% 45% 13%
Conservative 37% 50% 13%
Region Northeast 47% 40% 12%
Midwest 35% 51% 14%
South 44% 42% 14%
West 36% 46% 18%
Household Income Less than $50,000 43% 43% 14%
$50,000 or more 42% 45% 13%
Education Not college graduate 41% 44% 15%
College graduate 41% 46% 13%
Age 18 to 29 41% 39% 20%
30 to 44 47% 43% 10%
45 to 59 38% 48% 14%
60 or older 39% 46% 15%
Gender Men 39% 49% 12%
Women 43% 40% 17%
March 2010 Marist Poll National Registered Voters "N=860 MOE +/- 3.5%" Totals may not add to 100 due to rounding.